
Ambassador for a Good Cause

Driving Sustainable Development and Responsible Investment Through Collaboration 

We share our expertise with politics, business, and specialist bodies, engage intensively in public discourse, and develop resilient networks, always with the firm conviction that we are doing the right thing.

Committed to Positive Change

As a leader in the climate solutions sector, we believe we have an obligation to go the extra mile. We know that to effect real change, collaboration is key. That’s why we engage with people at all levels, from communities and stakeholders to businesses and experts. This ensures the success and sustainability of the work we do.

Contributing Sought-After Expertise

As internationally recognised experts, we are frequently invited as speakers and panellists to specialist symposia and congresses, such as those organised by the IMF, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the World Bank. Our participation allows us to share our comprehensive expertise in the field of climate change and climate solutions.

Actively Shaping the Future

We organise industry events, including the EU's largest cleantech & climate finance conference, international investment symposia, and delegation trips. These events provide opportunities for stakeholders to experience our projects first-hand. Additionally, we are involved in numerous supranational organisations that advocate for our common interests at a senior political level.

Engaging with Communities

Even in the early stages of our projects, we seek dialogue with local politicians and residents. We highlight the opportunities and prospects for green change "on their doorstep" and find joint solutions. This approach fosters deep trust among all parties involved, which is a central tenet of all our projects.


PRI – Principles for Responsible Investment 

As a signatory, we commit to factoring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment decisions. This helps increase our returns and allows us to better manage risks through responsible investment practices. 


GIIN – Global Impact Investing Network 

Members of this network are dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing, which helps us collectively address social and environmental challenges across the globe. 

PCAF – Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials 

We participate in the development of global standards for measuring and disclosing the greenhouse gas emissions of loans and investments. This serves to promote transparency and accountability in carbon emissions reporting. 

Get involved

If you have any questions about ThomasLloyd's commitment to corporate citizenship and how you can get involved, please get in touch.